Series: Dinner with Jesus
Title: Heartburn
Verse: Luke 24:13-35
Luke 24:13–16
συζητέω (sou-zay-teao) - disputing
Luke 24:17–24
Luke 24:25–27
The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19–31
διερμηνεύω (di-er-may-newo) - interpret
Chad Bird
1. assume this text, in some way, is connected to the person, work, and kingdom of the Messiah.
2. see #1
I. An Invitation
Luke 24:28–29
Jacob Wrestles with God
Genesis 32:24-32
26 Then he said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking.” But he said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
The Canaanite Woman
Matthew 15:21–28
Jesus heals the blind in Jericho
Matthew 20:29–34
Jesus heals a Roman Official's Son
John 4:46–54
Parable of an unjust Judge
Luke 18:1-8
Parable of the friend at Midnight
Luke 11:5-13
II. A Recognition
Luke 24:30–31
Ephesians 1:18
III. A Celebration
Luke 24:32
1 Corinthians 1:18
Luke 24:33–35