"Dinner with Jesus | Table Manners"



Series: Dinner With Jesus
Title: Table Manners
Text: Luke 14:1-24

Revelation 19:7–9
Romans 12:13
Hebrews 13:2
1 Peter 4:9
Isaiah 58:7
1 Timothy 5:10
Luke 14:1–6
I. Tradition or Mercy
II. Prominence or Humility
Luke 14:7–11
Proverbs 25:6–7
Luke 14:11
III. Reciprocity or Hospitality
Luke 14:12–14
IV. Decline or Attend
Luke 14:15
Luke 14:16–24
V. Conclusion
3 Questions
1. Are you coming to the king's party?
2. Are we anticipating it?
3. Are you practicing mission hospitality?