"The Beatitudes: The Properties of Persecution"

Series: The Beatitudes
Title: The Properties of Persecution
Text: Mathew 5:1-12

Mathew 5:1-12
Phil 1:29
2 Thess 1:4

I. The Reason for Persecution
a. Mat 5:10-11
b. John 3:19-20
c. 1 peter 4:12
d. 1 peter 3:14
e. 2 Tim 3:12
f. John 15:20
II. The Nature of the Persecution
a. Mat 5:10
b. Mat 5:11
c. Acts 14:22
III. The Outcome of Persecution.
a. Mat 5:12
b. 1 peter 4:12-14
c. acts 5:41
d. mat 10:28