"The Beatitudes: Pure in Heart"

Series: The Beatitudes
Title: Pure in heart
Text: Matthew 5:1-8
1 john 1:8 NASB95
Quote: A.W. Pink, “purity of heart is not sinless of life.”
isa 6:3 NASB95
1 john 3:2 NASB95

I. The Blessing of an Undivided Heart
a. mat 6:22 KJV
b. Quote: Soren Kierkegaard, “purity of heart is to will one thing”
c. James 4:8 KJV
d. Phil 3:12-14 KJV
e. ps 86:11 NASB95
II. The Blessing of a Clean Heart
a. Justification
i. Romans 5:1 NASB95
ii. Hebrews 12:7 NASB95
b. Forgiveness
i. Hebrews 10:17 NASB 95
ii. Micah 7:19 NASB95
c. Cleansing
i. Psalm 51:10 NASB95
ii. 1 john 1:9 NASB95
iii. Titus 3:5 NASB95