"The Beatitudes: The Manifestation of Meekness"

Series: Beatitudes
Title: The Manifestation of Meekness
Text: Mat 5:1-5
Matthew 5:1-5
Proverbs 25:28
Proverbs 16:32
I. Meekness in the Messiah’s Message
a. Matthew 5:39-44
b. Gal 5:22-23
c. 1 peter 3:4
d. eph 4:24
e. Quote: “He that is down needs fear no fall, he that is low no pride.. He that
is humble ever shall, have God to be his Guide” John Bunyan
f. heb 10:34  
g. Mat 11:28-30
II. Meekness in Messiah’s Methods
a. eph 4:26
b. Joel 3:16
c. Zechariah 9:9
d. John 13:3–5
e. John 13:14–15
III. Meekness in his Mortality
a. 1 peter 2:21-23
b. phil 2:5  
c. ps 37:11
d. Ephesians 2:7