Title: Image is Everything
Text: Genesis 1:26-28 (NASB95 unless specified)
Genesis 1:26-28
Quote- ““Whatever else is true of man, it is certainly true. That man is not what he was meant to
I. The Divine Plan
a. Genesis 1:26
b. Implications of being made in God’s image:
i. We are forever separated from animals.
ii. Allows us to know God in a personal way.
1. Psalms 113:13-14
2. Jeremiah 1:5
3. Isaiah 49:1
iii. Gives us clarity as we consider moral issues.
1. Gen 9:7
2. James 3:9
iv. The basis for human and civil rights.
v. All of you belongs to him.
II. The Divine Pattern
a. Genesis 1:27
III. The Divine Purpose
a. Gen 1:28
b. Psalm 8:4-5 (KJV)