Series: The Life of Joseph
Title: Nobody Asked Me
Text: Genesis 50:20
I. Joesph's Parents
Genesis 37:2
A. His Father - Jacob
Genesis 30:25
B. His Mother - Rachel
Genesis 35:23–26
II. Joseph's Siblings
A. Reuben
Genesis 35:19–22
Genesis 49:1–3
Genesis 49:4
B. Other Brothers
Dan - Naphtali - Simeon - Levi - Judah
III. Other Relatives
A. His Uncle - Esau
B. His Grandfather - Laban
IV. Concluding Thoughts
A. Circumstances are God's means of conforming us, and Satan's means of destroying us. It all depends on who you are allowing to use them.
Philippians 1:12–14
B. Trusting God, with our circumstances, means that there are no “yeah-buts”
Proverbs 3:5–6
C. Trusting God, with our circumstances, removes us from God‘s throne
Genesis 50:19
Romans 8:28
Job 40:1–14
Job 23:10