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 If the angels were amazed to see Christ leave heaven and enter a manger, can you imagine how they must have felt as they watched His life unfold? The angels had seen His glory in heaven, but they also saw His struggles on earth. Two moments stand out: the desert and the garden—both places of testing, both places where Christ’s mission was on full display.


The Angels Saw Christ in the Desert

After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness, where He fasted for forty days and nights. The angels watched as Christ, fully God and fully man, faced the enemy in a brutal showdown. The devil tempted Him with food, power, and shortcuts to glory, but Christ stood firm. He refused to give in. He chose obedience over comfort, truth over lies.


The angels must have held their breath as they watched this battle play out. They had seen Christ’s power before, but here, they saw His humility and endurance. Instead of calling down legions of angels or using divine authority to escape suffering, Christ endured hunger, isolation, and temptation for us.


At the end of those forty days, Scripture tells us that “angels came and ministered to Him” (Matthew 4:11). Can you picture it? The angels who had worshipped Him in heaven now came to serve Him in the desert. They cared for the One who came to care for us.


The Angels Saw Christ in the Garden

Fast forward to another place of testing: the Garden of Gethsemane. This time, the angels saw Christ in deep anguish. The weight of the cross was pressing in. Jesus knew what was coming—the betrayal, the beatings, the nails, and the wrath of God poured out for the sins of the world. And in that garden, He prayed, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup away from Me—nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:42).


What Christ feared most of all was being separated from the Father. It had never happened before. For all eternity, there had been perfect unity between the Father and the Son, but now, Christ would take on the sins of the world, and that unity would be broken. The thought of it caused Him to sweat drops of blood. The angels, who had witnessed the intimacy of the Trinity in heaven, must have been stunned to see this moment unfold.


Luke tells us that “an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him” (Luke 22:43). Can you imagine that moment? An angel, sent to encourage and strengthen the Son of God as He prepared to take on the sins of the world.


The angels saw it all—the desert and the garden. They saw Christ’s humanity on full display, but they also saw His unwavering obedience to the Father’s plan. They knew what was at stake. They knew He was choosing to suffer so that we could be saved.


A Deeper Look This Christmas

As we reflect on the Christmas story, let’s not stop at the manger. The angels’ perspective reminds us that Christ’s life wasn’t just about His birth; it was about His mission. From the desert to the garden, He chose to obey, to endure, and to save. This Christmas, let’s worship Him not just as the baby in the manger but as the Savior who overcame temptation, bore our burdens, and made a way for us to be with Him forever.