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Over the last two posts, we’ve explored Christmas through the eyes of the angels—watching Christ leave His heavenly throne, enter the world as a baby, face temptation in the desert, and wrestle in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. But the angels’ story doesn’t end there. They saw more than His birth and His struggles; they witnessed the greatest moments of Christ’s redemptive work—His sacrifice on the cross, His victory at the resurrection, and His promised return.



The Angels Saw Christ on the Cross



The cross is the centerpiece of the gospel—and the angels saw it all unfold. They saw the Son of God, whom they had worshipped in glory, nailed to a Roman cross. They watched as the innocent One bore the full weight of humanity’s sin. They heard the jeers of the crowd, the mocking words of the soldiers, and the cries of anguish as Christ, for the first and only time, was separated from the Father.



What must the angels have felt in that moment? The One who spoke the universe into existence, now hanging, beaten and bloodied, between two thieves. The angels knew He had the power to call down legions of heavenly hosts to rescue Him, yet they watched as He chose to stay. He stayed not because He was weak, but because of love—love for you and me.



At the cross, the angels saw both the justice and mercy of God on full display. They saw the penalty of sin paid in full and the wrath of God satisfied. They heard Jesus cry out, “It is finished” (John 19:30), and they knew that redemption was complete.



The Angels Saw Christ at the Resurrection



After the cross came the silence of the tomb—and then came the dawn of resurrection morning. The angels were there, too. They saw the stone rolled away. They witnessed the defeat of death as Christ rose in victory.



When the women arrived at the empty tomb, it was an angel who delivered the good news: “He is not here, for He has risen, as He said” (Matthew 28:6). Can you hear the joy in that declaration? The angels, who had seen the agony of the cross, now proclaimed the triumph of the resurrection. Death had been defeated. Sin had been conquered. Christ was alive!



And let’s not miss a beautiful detail in Matthew’s account: the angel sat on the stone that had been rolled away (Matthew 28:2). I love that picture. The angel didn’t just stand beside it or lean against it—he sat on it. It’s almost as if he was saying, “This obstacle is conquered. Death has no power here anymore.” The stone wasn’t rolled away so Christ could escape; it was rolled away so the world could see that He had already risen.



I imagine heaven erupted in praise at that moment. The angels had seen the story unfold from the very beginning—from glory to a manger, from the manger to the cross—and now, they saw the victory that changed everything.



The Angels Will See Christ at the Second Coming



But the story isn’t over. The angels still have one more moment to witness—one more scene that will fulfill all God’s promises. The angels will see Christ return. Scripture tells us that when He comes again, He won’t come in humility but in power and glory. Jesus Himself said, “The Son of Man will come in His glory, and all the angels with Him. Then He will sit on His glorious throne” (Matthew 25:31).



What a day that will be! The angels will accompany Christ as He descends in glory to gather His people and bring final judgment. Every eye will see Him. Every knee will bow. The King who once lay in a manger and hung on a cross will return as the triumphant Lord of all.



The angels know this day is coming. They long for it. And so should we.



A Glorious Hope This Christmas



As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember the bigger story. The angels saw Christ in heaven before He came. They saw Him in the manger, in the desert, in the garden, on the cross, and at the resurrection. And one day, they will see Him return in glory.



This Christmas, let’s worship Christ not only as the baby in the manger but as the risen Savior and the coming King. Let’s join the angels in their praise and look forward with hope to the day when we will see Him face to face—the day when heaven and earth will celebrate together:



“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” (Revelation 5:12).