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Do you remember what it was like learning to swim? For many of us, playing in the shallow water felt safe and comfortable. But the deep end? That was intimidating. I remember a time when my son Collin decided to jump the corner in the deep end of a pool. It was a moment of bravery, but also a moment of fear—especially for me, because I ended up diving in after him, fully clothed, wallet and iPhone included! (By the way, my iPhone is still in a bowl of rice.)

The point is, moving into deep water is scary. It’s unpredictable and uncomfortable. But that’s where growth happens. The same is true of our faith.

Let’s be honest. Shallow faith is easy. It’s comfortable. It’s staying close to the shore—the things we’re familiar with, the habits that don’t require much effort. But here’s the problem: shallow faith only leads to a shallow experience of God. If you want to truly know Him, to truly grow in your walk with Him, you have to venture into the deep.

The Problem With Shallow Christianity

Too many Christians today are content with staying in the shallow end of their faith. They stick close to the shore, where it’s safe and familiar. But in doing so, they miss out on the depth of God’s love, His presence, and His purpose for their lives.

A shallow Christian reads the Bible, but only skims the surface. They don’t dig deep to study the Word, to understand the context, or to seek out the deeper meanings that God wants to reveal. But the Bible is alive. It’s a living, breathing book. When you take the time to truly study it—to read the footnotes, follow the cross-references, and understand the historical background—you’ll uncover truths you’ve never seen before.

Shallow Christians also struggle in their prayer life. They pray, but they don’t wade into the deep waters of persistent, heartfelt prayer. They don’t know what it’s like to pray for something for years, or even decades. They don’t know the power of weeping in prayer, fasting in prayer, or using a prayer list to intentionally lift up their requests to God.

Grown-Up Faith

What I’m talking about here is grown-up faith. Not kiddie pool faith. Some of us are adults, but our faith is still childlike—not in the trusting, pure way Jesus encourages, but in a shallow, surface-level way. It’s time to grow up. It’s time to dive into the deep end.

In the deep end of faith, you begin to grasp the depth of God’s love. You begin to understand the magnitude of His sacrifice for you. You realize that your best efforts, your “righteousness,” are like filthy rags before Him. And yet, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, God doesn’t see your failures—He sees the righteousness of His Son.

In the deep end, you experience the freedom of justification. Do you know what that means? It means it’s “just as if I’d never sinned.” God casts your sins into the depths of the sea, as far as the east is from the west. If God doesn’t remember your sins, why should you keep carrying them around?

The Rewards of the Deep

Yes, it’s scary to leave the shallow end. It’s scary to let go of what’s familiar. But I promise you, the deep waters of faith are worth it. In the deep, you experience the depths of God’s Word, His presence, His joy, and His Spirit. You discover a relationship with Him that’s richer and fuller than anything you’ve ever known.

Job 11:7 says, “Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?” The answer is no. You can’t. You can never reach the bottom of God’s love, His wisdom, or His power. The great thing about diving into the deep end of faith is that you’ll never find the bottom—there’s always more to discover, more to experience, more to grow.

So let me challenge you today. Don’t stay in the shallow end. Don’t settle for a surface-level faith. Dive into the deep waters. Study the Word. Pray persistently. Worship passionately. Give sacrificially. Trust God completely.

Because in the deep, you’ll find the life God has always intended for you. A life of joy, purpose, and unshakable faith. A life that reflects His glory and brings Him honor. The deep waters are calling. Are you ready to dive in?