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There are times in life when stepping out in faith feels illogical. Just like Peter, we may find ourselves standing at the edge of a decision, asking, “Does this really make sense?” Peter, after a long night of fishing with no catch, was told by Jesus to cast his nets once again. From a human perspective, it seemed like a waste of time. Peter was the expert, after all. He knew the best times to fish, and this wasn’t one of them.

But Peter didn’t follow logic. He followed Jesus. He obeyed because Jesus asked him to, not because it made sense. And in that obedience, Peter received a miracle. How often in our own lives do we resist something because it doesn’t compute? We try to reason it out with our human minds, forgetting that sometimes, faith requires us to step beyond the logical.

Think about the act of giving. Tithing, for instance, doesn’t make sense by worldly standards. How can living off 90% of your income be better than living off 100%? Yet, time and time again, I’ve seen that God honors obedience. I’ve watched as, at times, ministry work feels fruitless—inviting people, visiting, praying, and nothing seems to happen. But then, unexpectedly, someone shows up, someone gets saved, or a conversation sparks a breakthrough. The difference isn’t me, but Christ. It’s His timing, His plan, not mine.

Sometimes, our efforts feel like they’re going nowhere. But I’ve learned that the results are never truly in our hands. We labor, and sometimes we see fruit; other times, we don’t. And yet, He’s always at work. He is the one who makes the difference.

I’ve also seen this in the way we offer advice. You’ve probably had someone come to you for guidance on their marriage, work, or relationships. You give them biblically sound, thoughtful advice, and they respond with, “I’ve already tried that.” You want to ask, “Did you do it on your own, or did God lead you to do it?” There’s a world of difference between going through the motions and doing something because God has called you to it.

Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” Sometimes, we don’t feel like following God’s commands. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem to make sense, but we obey anyway. We pray anyway. We keep reading the Bible, even when it feels like our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. Because I promise you—God has a plan. His purpose is never unclear, even when we can’t see it.

When life feels like it’s not making sense, trust that He is at work. Even if you can’t see His plan, He is moving. God’s love never ends, even when the path bends. His purpose for you is pure, and each step, even the ones you don’t understand, is shaping your story.

Peter couldn’t see what was under the water, but Jesus could. He didn’t know what would happen when he cast the nets again, but he obeyed. And that act of blind faith led to a miraculous catch.

So, when life doesn’t make sense, trust anyway. Follow anyway. Because God’s plan is always bigger than our understanding.